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UFOs - transports from hell
UniusREI 🕎 Governor brotherhoo • a few seconds ago
new Hitler President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has accused Turkey’s western allies of arming terrorists and killers who target Muslims around the world.” [[ boia Erdogan is very terrorist propagandist. It’s the other way around that he said. ]] Muslims are persecuting Christians worldwide, targeting Jews in the State of Israel and in Europe, targeting Hindus in India, Yazidis in Iraq, and Muslims they
"Il presidente Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ha accusato gli alleati occidentali della Turchia di armare terroristi e assassini che prendono di mira i musulmani di tutto il mondo." [[Boia Erdogan è un propagandista molto terrorista. È il contrario che ha detto. ]] I musulmani perseguitano i cristiani di tutto il mondo, prendendo di mira gli ebrei nello Stato di Israele e in Europa, prendendo di mira gli indù in India, gli yazidi in Iraq e i musulmani.
Turkey Politician calls for expulsion of Armenians as revenge for French recognition of Armenian genocide
Mustafa Destici, the head of Turkey’s Great Unity Party, “wants his government to expel tens of thousands of Armenian nationals residing in Turkey in retaliation against France for declaring a remembrance day for victims of the World War I-era genocide of Armenians.”
Turchia il politico chiede l'espulsione degli armeni come vendetta per il riconoscimento francese del genocidio armeno
Turchia il politico chiede l'espulsione degli armeni come vendetta per il riconoscimento francese del genocidio armeno
Mustafa Destici, capo del Grande Partito della Unita in Turchia, "vuole che il suo governo di espellere decine di migliaia di cittadini armeni residenti in Turchia per rappresaglia contro la Francia per aver dichiarato un giorno di commemorazione per le vittime del genocidio degli armeni della prima guerra mondiale".
UniusREI 🕎 Governor brotherhoo • a few seconds ago
sembrerebbe che dopo la WW3 moriranno 3miliardi di persone, altri 3miliardi dovranno morire per questo Asteroide reso incandescente dall'attrito del sole, e chiamato "sfera della Redenzione", e adesso che USA e Canada saranno disintegrati. Veronica - Oh! Oh, I see the sky; it’s becoming a very, very bright red, almost an orange, a red-orange. And it’s like I’m suspended, and the light is so bright it hurts my eyes. And I see this huge ball. Now in the center—it’s a gray-colored ball, almost—oh, I don’t know what it’s made of, but a rock-like formation. But as it’s turning now, it’s beginning to change color, becoming a purplish, hazy, orange-looking ball. And now it’s beginning to gather great speed. And as it’s going faster across the sky, part of it has broken off now, and it’s going now behind the sun. I see the huge ball and the sun; it’s a ball of fire. And this is another ball of fire. And a piece now is broken off, and it’s hitting into the sun. And there—Oh! Oh, it’s an explosion. Oh, I can’t look! Oh! Oh!
Everything seems so still, and I see people now holding onto the chairs in their houses. Everything’s rocking. It’s like the very foundation is rocking in the houses. And they’re all frightened. And many are running into the streets. Oh, the others are running and closing their windows. They’re pulling down the shades. Oh! Oh! Others are looking—I can see them looking through their windows, but they do not go outside. They must not go outside.
I see a great mist coming in the sky, a great mist. And there are pieces of—they appear to be rock or dust rock falling. And the people who are outside, they’re stumbling. Something’s happening to them. They don’t seem to—they’re like drunk; they’re stumbling. And now the ones I’m watching, two of them have fallen. They’ve fallen on their faces now, and they’re trying to get up. Now they’re—they’re falling forward, and they’re not moving.
The keys of the Kingdom
“My children, I do not come to the proud and the men of knowledge. I come to the little ones—little in worldly knowledge, but filled with the spirit of truth; those with little of worldly possessions, but carrying the keys to the Kingdom. It is these children of God who will remain to greet My Son when He returns.
“Many are called, but few are chosen. The numbers counted will be in the few after the final cleansing. Many minds have been poisoned by satan; many have sold their souls for worldly gain. How sad that they have forgotten that all time comes to an end, all life must reach its end, and all human life passes on to the veil.
“Beyond the veil are the Kingdoms of Heaven and the kingdom of the prince of darkness. Do not sorrow, My child, for you have knowledge that not all will enter the Kingdom without cleansing. How much better it would be if man would learn the value of suffering, and serve his purgatory upon earth, for very few have entered into the Kingdom without a purification.
“Make it known, My child, that there is a Heaven, that there is a hell and a purgatory. Know that life continues. There is no death; there is only a separation of the body from the living soul. It is only satan who takes the truth from your hearts. It is in this manner that he will seduce you, and claim you after you pass over the veil. You must all now stand forth and be counted.
“The road for all followers of My Son will be filled with thorns. It is not an easy road, but I assure you, My children, it is a road that leads to eternal glory.
“What was to happen in the future shall be now. This, man has sought to bring upon himself. I have prepared you and instructed you, and the Father has permitted Me to come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man.
Le chiavi del Regno
"Figli miei, non vengo agli orgogliosi e agli uomini di conoscenza. Vengo dai piccoli, piccolo nella conoscenza del mondo, ma pieno dello spirito della verità; quelli con poco di beni terreni, ma con le chiavi del Regno. Sono questi figli di Dio che rimarranno a salutare Mio Figlio quando ritorna.
"Molti sono chiamati, ma pochi sono scelti. I numeri contati saranno tra i pochi dopo la pulizia finale. Molte menti sono state avvelenate da satana; molti hanno venduto le loro anime per guadagnare terreno. Che tristezza hanno dimenticato che tutto il tempo volge al termine, tutta la vita deve raggiungere la sua fine e tutta la vita umana passa al velo.
"Oltre il velo ci sono i regni del cielo e il regno del principe delle tenebre. Bambina mia, non rattristarti, perché sai che non tutti entreranno nel Regno senza purificarsi. Sarebbe molto meglio se l'uomo imparasse il valore della sofferenza e servisse il suo purgatorio sulla terra, poiché pochissimi sono entrati nel Regno senza una purificazione.
"Falla sapere, figlia Mia, che c'è un Paradiso, che c'è un inferno e un purgatorio. Sappi che la vita continua. Non c'è morte; c'è solo una separazione del corpo dall'anima vivente. È solo satana che prende la verità dai tuoi cuori. In questo modo ti sedurrà e ti reclamerà dopo aver superato il velo. Adesso tutti devono levarsi in piedi e essere contati.
"La strada per tutti i seguaci di Mio Figlio sarà piena di spine. Non è una strada facile, ma ti assicuro, figli miei, è una strada che porta alla gloria eterna.
"Quello che doveva accadere in futuro deve essere ora. Questo, l'uomo ha cercato di portare su se stesso. Ti ho preparato e istruito, e il Padre mi ha permesso di venire da te come Mediatrice tra Dio e l'uomo.
UFOs – transports from hell
“In this final battle, there are many agents of hell loosed upon earth. They are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God. Know that it is satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times. Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man’s imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls.
“There have been divisions of armies set up, two groupings. Lucifer, Luciel, despicable creature of the darkness, has set himself to destroy man, man’s soul, and take them to the abyss, the souls of My children. When you fall, you will have fallen of your own free will. No man enters hell unless he has given himself freely to satan.”
Veronica - Now I see ... oh, I see—it’s like a large hole. I see the ground is opening and people, people are just falling, they’re floating down into a very deep hole. But they seem to have no weight. They’re unable to control their movements, and they’re just hitting each other, and there’s terror on their faces. And they’re going down. There’s a great, tremendous, flaming light.
And also now coming up are horrible creatures. Now—oh, and they’re screaming in terror, the people; but their bodies now are glowing like, like orange, like they’re afire, like glowing coals. Oh! Oh, and these other things that—they look like half animal and half human—they’re also placing their clawlike hands and pushing onto the figures, the human beings; they’re pushing them and they’re tormenting them. And their very faces are so horrible. But they are—they look—they’re so horrible and ugly, that they look like they’re enjoying the tormenting of the poor souls. Oh!
Now these bodies of these lost souls—they seem to have an endless burning, like live coals. And they’re looking upward, and it’s a desperate—they’re trying to go up, up, out of the hole. But the more they fight to go up, the further down they go—down into the pit. Oh!
Now I see many down at the bottom of this pit, and they’re sitting there. They’re no longer floating. The others must be new ones coming down. And those that are sitting are sitting in dejection, and they’re repeating “Forever lost! Forever lost!” Oh! Oh! [Veronica moans at the sorrowful sight.]
come ti ho già scritto, quest'anno si terrà a Verona dal 29 al 31 marzo il XIII Congresso Mondiale delle Famiglie. Si tratta della più grande iniziativa mondiale – per la prima volta in Italia – rivolta ad affermare e a promuovere la famiglia naturale come unità fondamentale della società.
E oggi ti scrivo per una richiesta particolare:
Sei un imprenditore? Hai a cuore i valori della famiglia? Diventa Sponsor del XIII World Congress of Families.
Affinché il Congresso possa avere il massimo impatto è necessario, in particolare, anche il sostegno di aziende e organizzazioni che siano interessate a divenire sponsor dell’evento.
Conosci aziende o altre organizzazioni sensibili alle tematiche che potrebbero essere interessate a sponsorizzare il XIII Congresso Mondiale delle Famiglie? Mettici in contatto! .
Diventare sponsor del Congresso rappresenta un’opportunità esclusiva per mostrare a un pubblico internazionale l’interesse per il bene comune dell’azienda o dell’organizzazione, dimostrando così sostegno alle famiglie e alle politiche in favore della famiglia. Diventare Sponsor del Congresso Mondiale delle Famiglie è un’occasione unica per creare collaborazioni con i più importanti soggetti e organizzazioni pro-family provenienti da tutto il mondo.
È infatti prevista la partecipazione di leader mondiali, organizzazioni internazionali, esperti e migliaia di famiglie per tre giorni nella città di Romeo e Giulietta. Tra i relatori che hanno già confermato la propria presenza ci sono il Presidente del Parlamento Europeo Antonio Tajani; Matteo Salvini, Vicepresidente del Consiglio; Igor Dodon, Presidente Moldavo; Lorenzo Fontana, Ministro per la Famiglia e le Disabilità; il Ministro dell'Istruzione Marco Bussetti; Katalin Novak, Segretario di Stato e Ministro per la famiglia ungherese; S.E. Ignazio Giuseppe III, Patriarca della Chiesa cattolica sira; Theresa Okafor, Presidente Foundation for African Cultural Heritage, e molti altri. Partecipano anche personaggi del mondo dello sport e dello spettacolo, come Nicola Legrottaglie.
Se, dunque, conosci aziende o organizzazioni alle quali potrebbe interessare diventare sponsor, non esitare a comunicarci i loro contatti scrivendo all'indirizzo e-mail segreteria@wcfverona.org. Potresti essere di grande aiuto per realizzare ed amplificare l’impatto del più importante evento pro famiglia!
Grazie di cuore per il tuo sostegno e aiuto.
Un caro saluto,
Jacopo Coghe
e tutto il team di Generazione Famiglia
"The state of your world has been reduced by the immorality. The state of your world is capitulating now to all of the forces of the octopus that will seek to bring about a one-world religion and a one-world government under a supreme dictator of evil." - Our Lady, March 18, 1978
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Francis and Top Imam Sign Agreement Towards One-World Religion...
St. Valentine, priest and martyr...
"One-world religion and government" - Bayside Prophecy, March 18, 1975... List of all Bayside Prophecies...
Modernist Cardinal, Liberal Theologian, and Author Attack Cardinal Muller’s ‘Manifesto of Faith’...
Of Killing Babies and Demonizing Jews...
Directives From Heaven
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Iranian official says Iran can now build nukes, “having nuclear authority is vital to confront US and its allies”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 11, 2019 02:54 pm
The establishment media will claim that the Iranian nuclear deal had put a stop to all this, and blame Trump for withdrawing from it, but actually spokesmen for the Islamic Republic were talking this way while it was in force as well. “Iran Claims to Have Formula for Nuclear Bomb,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free […]
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Muslima from Canada “Having slaves is part of Sharia. I believe in Sharia, wherever Sharia is”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 11, 2019 02:00 pm
Dura Ahmed is being treated as a victim in the Canadian media, and will likely be able to resume living freely in Canada despite having gone to live in the Islamic State. What kind of a life will she make in Canada? Do you think she will raise her children to be loyal, productive members […]
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CNN Hits Heather Nauert for Interviewing Robert Spencer
By Robert Spencer on Feb 11, 2019 01:00 pm
Opposing jihad terrorism and Sharia oppression is a big taboo these days. My latest at the Geller Report President Trump has chosen Heather Nauert to replace Nikki Haley as the United States ambassador to the United Nations, and CNN is in a fine froth. The Daily Caller reported Monday that “CNN launched an attack on […]
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Turkey Politician calls for expulsion of Armenians as revenge for French recognition of Armenian genocide
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 11, 2019 12:00 pm
Mustafa Destici, the head of Turkey’s Great Unity Party, “wants his government to expel tens of thousands of Armenian nationals residing in Turkey in retaliation against France for declaring a remembrance day for victims of the World War I-era genocide of Armenians.” Note the term “right wing” is used in this story to describe Destici’s […]
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“Islamophobia” propagandist Khaled Beydoun claims to be victim of “Islamophobic” attack by Delta captain
By Robert Spencer on Feb 11, 2019 11:09 am
I just got off a @Delta flight in Arkansas… while waiting on the jetway to issue a complaint to the captain, he grabbed me by my neck and told me to “come here,” shouts at me in front of passengers, **THEN** Calls the POLICE. This is how @Delta treats their Platinum members. — Khaled Beydoun […]
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Canada Women surrender in Islamic State territory, presented as victims who should be brought home
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 11, 2019 11:00 am
“Two Canadian women who had been living in ISIS-held territory with their children have surrendered to U.S.-backed forces in Syria.” One of them, identified by CNN as Dura Ahmed, made herself out to be the victim, as is common practice of jihadists. Jihadists and stealth Muslim Brotherhood operatives, have been clear about what their agenda […]
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India Large crowd of Muslims clap and cheer at court for Muslims who brutally murdered Hindu
By Robert Spencer on Feb 11, 2019 10:23 am
“A video clip, that has gone viral on social media, shows Ramalingam resisting the proselytising efforts of a Muslim man at Bhagyanathan Thoppu….Ramalingam was seen politely debating with the Muslims and trying to tell them that they were causing religious chaos in an otherwise harmonious area….At one point, he takes out the cap of a […]
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Hugh Fitzgerald Pope Francis of Arabia
By Hugh Fitzgerald on Feb 11, 2019 10:00 am
Pope Francis has said many false things about Islam. He has said that “there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism” and that ‘“authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Quran are opposed to every form of violence.” He has, in turn, been praised by the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed al-Tayeb, who thanked […]
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Turkey Erdogan accuses West of “arming terrorists and killers who target Muslims around the world”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 11, 2019 09:00 am
“President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has accused Turkey’s western allies of arming terrorists and killers who target Muslims around the world.” Erdogan is a master propagandist. It’s the other way around. Muslims are persecuting Christians worldwide, targeting Jews in the State of Israel and in Europe, targeting Hindus in India, Yazidis in Iraq, and Muslims they […]
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UK government gave al-Qaeda top dog a million dollars of taxpayer funds to appeal his conviction
By Robert Spencer on Feb 11, 2019 08:00 am
There seems to be no low to which the British government will not stoop in order to appease and accommodate Muslims. As they handed huge sums to this jihadi for his legal aid fees, they were also busy banning people from the country for the crime of opposing jihad terror. Britain is finished. “Jailed Al-Qaeda […]
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Video Glazov SHOCKS Huckabee With The Truth About Jihadists’ Subtle Strategy
By Jamie Glazov on Feb 11, 2019 07:59 am
Above is the new video of my recent appearance on Governor Mike Huckabee’s TBN Show to discuss my new book, Jihadist Psychopath How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us. Don’t miss it! Order my new book HERE. Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Twitter @JamieGlazov. Please donate through our […]
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Turkey Politician calls for expulsion of Armenians as revenge for French recognition of Armenian genocide
Mustafa Destici, the head of Turkey’s Great Unity Party, “wants his government to expel tens of thousands of Armenian nationals residing in Turkey in retaliation against France for declaring a remembrance day for victims of the World War I-era genocide of Armenians.”
Turchia il politico chiede l'espulsione degli armeni come vendetta per il riconoscimento francese del genocidio armeno
Turchia il politico chiede l'espulsione degli armeni come vendetta per il riconoscimento francese del genocidio armeno
Mustafa Destici, capo del Grande Partito della Unita in Turchia, "vuole che il suo governo di espellere decine di migliaia di cittadini armeni residenti in Turchia per rappresaglia contro la Francia per aver dichiarato un giorno di commemorazione per le vittime del genocidio degli armeni della prima guerra mondiale".
UFOs - transports from hell
December 24, 1973
Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas Eve
Our Lady - “I have asked you to remove the worldly hat in representation of Our great sorrow for the offenses being given and the bad example being demonstrated in many of Our convents. The hair must not become evident as a source of vanity among Our nuns. Have great sorrow, My child, for many in the convents, by their bad example, have set many onto the road to perdition.
“There will be sent upon the world a great Warning. Should this Warning go unheeded, and man does not make a complete reversal of his ways which offend the Father much, there will be sent upon mankind a great Chastisement. Many will become victims and fall into the abyss.”
Veronica - I see the world, and I see a great darkness covering half of the world. Our Lady now is coming forward, and She is standing sadly and covering Her head with a dark cloak. Her gown was very brilliant and white, but now She is placing over Her head a very dark cloak, almost black.
And She’s—now She’s putting Her hand out, like this. And Michael is coming forward now. Michael is coming forward, and he’s handing Our Lady a candlestick. It looks like a candlestick; it’s made of a shining, brass-like material. Maybe it’s gold, a golden metal. But it has three candles in it.
Now Our Lady is holding the three candles in front of Her, and She’s bowing Her head. And now there’re many voices behind Her, but they are singing very strange songs. They’re very—I have never heard the songs they are singing. Ah-h-h. Ah-h-h. Ah-h-h. Ah-h-h. [Veronica repeats the melody she hears.]
I see people, many people, making their way into buildings. The buildings have been hit by something, because many of the walls are down. Many of the walls are down, and there seems to have been a great disaster. I see great poverty about them. There doesn’t seem to be any, any signs of prosperity or any signs of, of industry. Everything seems to be as though it had been leveled.
Now it’s growing very dark. And as it’s growing dark, Our Lady is holding up this—it looks almost like a candelabra. It’s, it has the three candles. And Our Lady now is touching the candelabra over towards Her heart; She’s holding it over Her heart.
Now Our Lady is extending Her Rosary, which was tied to a golden cord braided at Her side, and She’s saying:
Our Lady - “Pray much, My children, for you do not know what lies before you. Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice! I have wandered throughout your world shedding tears, bitter tears of sorrow upon My children who have failed to listen to My pleas. I have come to save you from what you have led yourselves to—your own destruction. I have given you the plan for your salvation. I have set Myself as victim for you before the Father, begging an extension of time for your repatriation. Many We have reached, but many have turned away in mockery, and have hardened their hearts and deafened their ears to Our pleas. All Heaven will watch the battle ahead. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.”
Veronica - Oh! Oh, I see the sky; it’s becoming a very, very bright red, almost an orange, a red-orange. And it’s like I’m suspended, and the light is so bright it hurts my eyes. And I see this huge ball. Now in the center—it’s a gray-colored ball, almost—oh, I don’t know what it’s made of, but a rock-like formation. But as it’s turning now, it’s beginning to change color, becoming a purplish, hazy, orange-looking ball. And now it’s beginning to gather great speed. And as it’s going faster across the sky, part of it has broken off now, and it’s going now behind the sun. I see the huge ball and the sun; it’s a ball of fire. And this is another ball of fire. And a piece now is broken off, and it’s hitting into the sun. And there—Oh! Oh, it’s an explosion. Oh, I can’t look! Oh! Oh!
Everything seems so still, and I see people now holding onto the chairs in their houses. Everything’s rocking. It’s like the very foundation is rocking in the houses. And they’re all frightened. And many are running into the streets. Oh, the others are running and closing their windows. They’re pulling down the shades. Oh! Oh! Others are looking—I can see them looking through their windows, but they do not go outside. They must not go outside.
I see a great mist coming in the sky, a great mist. And there are pieces of—they appear to be rock or dust rock falling. And the people who are outside, they’re stumbling. Something’s happening to them. They don’t seem to—they’re like drunk; they’re stumbling. And now the ones I’m watching, two of them have fallen. They’ve fallen on their faces now, and they’re trying to get up. Now they’re—they’re falling forward, and they’re not moving.
And I see now this darkness—a great, great mist. And then a deep, musty-looking haze, and it’s now going and passing across the moon. And now there’s no moon; there’s no light. The moon’s absolutely covered; I can’t see it. There’s no light.
Now the sun also seems to be shooting out particles—I don’t know—it’s particles. And I can see this other ball that looks like a small sun now; it’s coming from behind. And it’s still—it’s twirling, but it is also shooting out particles of, of rock, fiery rock.
Now one piece is very large, and it’s falling down now, and as it—it’s falling into the water. And then the water is just like steaming and fizzling. And there was force, I guess, when it hit the water, because the water is rising very, very high. Oh!
Now it’s growing light. It’s growing light, and Our Lady’s coming forward. And now She’s removing the black, hood-like type of covering from Her head. She says:
Our Lady - “My child, the sight you see is not one that will ever be forgotten by mankind, for not since the days of Noe shall such destruction be visited upon man. You will pray, My child, a constant vigilance of prayer. All My children must now keep a constant vigilance of prayer.
Warning must be effective
“I cannot stress the fact that I have not come to fill you with fear, but to bring you the facts of what the Father has planned for your chastisement. The Warning which will be sent upon man must be effective; and in the mercy of the Father, a great spectacle will then be placed in the sky for all to see. However, the agents of hell will try to prove—disprove the hand of the Father in this Miracle.
“You must cleanse your souls of all sin, mortal and venial. Come to My Son in belief. Believe what you see at Garabandal, and turn back from your ways that have been created by satan. Return to the Father; do penance and atonement, for your chastisement will soon follow upon the great spectacle.
“I bless you all, My children, as the Father blesses you with sad heart.”
Veronica - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Our Lady - “All who have remained in well spirit shall have no fear, for the Father has a plan for bringing man back to Him. Your man of science is always seeking, but never finding the truth. He has climbed the ladder to the pinnacle of knowledge, but never reaching the truth.
“In his arrogance, he has set himself above the Father, seeking to create life and destroy it at will. This will not be condoned! This will not be allowed to continue! The creation of the Father will not be destroyed by man! Your country has given itself to satan; therefore, My children, you have set the path for your own cleansing.
“My child, all that you will have to know of the future will be given to you in photographs. You will study them and dispense the knowledge given to you. Sit, My child, now, and follow My direction.
“My child, do not seek to defend yourself with others. You will accept your cross without complaint, knowing that the Father Who speaks to you in secret is watching all in secret. You will not have to answer for your actions to man. Therefore, do not seek acknowledgement, My child, among man; for if you receive your award—reward from man, what can then We offer you in Heaven? Know that you cannot expect less a lot than My Son had received. It is the way and the road to your purification.
“My child, many ask you for dates, for times. It is not important. It is not necessary that you know dates, but to be prepared. I know that I have not gone throughout the world without using every means and effort to awaken you to the danger that lies ahead.
“A great Warning will be sent upon your earth. Learn from this, and mend your ways; for if you do not, you will then receive a great Chastisement. I repeat this, for many have to learn through repetition. I promise that I will be with you unto the Second Coming of My Son.
“Many false prophets have gone throughout the world, many that were not of the Father, their father being the father of all liars. Recognize, My children, the faces of evil about you. Many come disguised as angels of light. You must all pray for the light.
“You will not cast aside the words of the many prophets who came before you. They were given knowledge from the Father, knowledge that was to fortify you and prepare you for these days that have entered upon mankind—the days of the struggles and sorrows, the days of darkness—unto the Second Coming of My Son.
“I dispense upon all many graces graces in abundance, graces for the asking. Come to Me, My children, all who are burdened with sorrows, mothers forsaken by their children. There is great discord in family life. I have given you the sacramentals, and the plan to restore peace within your homes. You must bring My Son back into the hearts of your children. You must return prayer to your home.
“The example being shown by many parents is poor. How can you expect your children to follow the road to the Kingdom when you have lost the road yourselves, and by your example you have set your children onto the road to perdition. A great responsibility has been placed upon the parents of the world, for they will stand in judgment before the Father for the fall of their children’s souls.
“Those teachers who have misled, under the direction of satan, the young souls—better that they had died in their mother’s wombs, than to face the road that lies before them leading to the abyss and the fires! All who murder for gain shall be destroyed! All that is rotten will fall! All who share in the murder of the young, whether for gain or in arrogance seek to go beyond the Father, they, too, shall fall with the rotten fruit.
Ora sta diventando buio. E ora la luce sta venendo fuori nel cielo. Oh, è la Madonna. Oh, ora la Madonna ha rimosso la copertura nera dalla sua testa. Lei sembra molto bella. È vestita tutta di bianco con una rifinitura dorata. E ora vedo che ha una collana d'oro, non una collana, ma una chiusura su di lei, ed è legata in un nodo. Il nodo presenta alcuni cerchi, come se fossero tre cerchi, tre cerchi dorati.
Ora la Madonna sta alzando la mano e ha in mano il suo rosario. È un rosario molto grande - ha perline molto grandi, e l'oro del Padre nostro. E la Madonna dice:
Madonna - "Dirai costantemente alle tue perle, figlia Mia. Una costante vigilanza di preghiera in tutto il tuo paese e nel mondo è ora necessaria. "
"A country is known by the moral values, My children. In the history of your world, if you consult and look, My children, you will find that your country and many in your world are now proceeding along the same course taken before the fall of an empire!" - Our Lady, February 10, 1976
Jesus and Mary urgently need your prayers and financial help in order to keep Our Lady's work going. The current debt is $4,718.09... Read more...
Here is the latest breaking news!
Green New Deal Is a Revamped Communist Manifesto...
Cardinal Muller Issues Manifesto a Quasi Correction of Francis’ Pontificate...
"UFOs - transports from hell" - Bayside Prophecy, December 24, 1973... List of all Bayside Prophecies...
Suicide Rises When Faith Recedes...
From the Archives - UK Celebrity Calls for “Euthanasia Vans,” Says UK Has “Too Many Old People”...
Directives From Heaven
#206 - Despair... Read more... PDF File...
#356 - U.S. Headed For Destruction... Read more... PDF File...
#524 - Restoration, Part 1... Read more... PDF File...
Mary Immaculate, Queen of the Universe picture
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God Bless,
TLDM Staff
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feb 15
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feb 15
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Draghi Soros e LaMorgese hanno brutalizzato dei manifestanti pacifici, scene che soltanto in Turchia si possono vedere!
PORTIAMO I SATANISTI UE a NORIMBERGA! quando parliamo di "signoraggio bancario" e/o di "sovranità monetaria" noi evidenziamo il "bancario/monetario".
e questo è il banale furto della merce. ed invece, il vero delitto di satanismo talmudico kabbalah(controllo delle anime) è quello di sterminio, omicidio e riduzione in schiavitù, che deve essere cercato in sottrazione di: "signoraggio/sovranità" e questo è una infestazione demoniaca soprannaturale.
Infatti senza "signoraggio/sovranità" tu non potrai mai essere padrone del tuo spazio e del tuo tempo!
questa degradazione metafisico-esistenziale lgbtq ideologia Darwin la scimmia DEM? non è una vera responsabilità individuale, questa è la conseguenza del satanismo del talmud e della sua usura mondiale.
Il sole a mezzanotte: chi è Bella Thorne, passata dalla Disney ai film a luci rosse http://a.msn.com/07/it-it/AAPTFNS?ocid=st Ma quando tutti sembravano aver capito chi fosse davvero Bella Thorne, l'attrice ha preso tutti alla sprovvista annunciando di aver diretto un film porno, intitolato Her $ Him.
Per questo film porno Bella Thorne ha vinto anche un premio con Pornhub dedicato al miglior regista esordiente.
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi e goyim sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, ...
ISLAMICO SHARIA Erdogan il boia della NATO: sotto tutela ONU AMNESTY ] [ perché tu non compri ANCHE il petrolio dai Houthi rebels Sunni Shia...
commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi e goyim sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, ...
Visit Us Displays Location & Visitor Info. About Us History & Director Calendar Events & Lectures Biblical Princ...
commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi e goyim sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, ...
quando noi diciamo che la Bibbia non è un libro da leggere MA è UNA PERSONA DA SPOGLIARE.. NOI NON STIAMO DICENDO QUALCOSA DI SESSUALE per...