se non hai i soldi per poterti pagare un avvocato e un causa in tribunale? poi, per te il diritto alla giustizia non esiste in ItaGlia come in nessun altra parte nel mondo. I Giudici sono irragiungibili, ma, invece, ci vuole un giudice di primo grado, in ogni caserma dei carabinieri!
quì da noi in ItaGlia, un killer multiplo, un serial killer che ha ucciso persone innocenti? è stato condannato a 3 ergastoli, ma ora è agli arresti domiciliari per motivi di salute!
Questi criminali devono essere eliminati subito! GUARDA: L'assassino di 5 continuerà a uccidere se rilasciato, afferma il fratello del terrorista | Uniti con Israele GUARDA: L'assassino di 5 continuerà a uccidere se rilasciato, afferma il fratello del terrorista
la strega ladra deve prima restituire il nostro signoraggio bancario, che ha regalato a Rothschild, se è vero che pensa al futuro dei giovani europei.. ma questa è la verità: lei è soltanto un altra bestia si di Satana!
Von der Leyen alla Cattolica: «Voglio un'Europa per i giovani e dei giovani»
Sergio Mattarella l'antifa cambia ufficio: sarà senatore a vita, un altro impiegato di Rockefeller sulle spalle del popolo italiota!
Enlightened CIA UK FED IMFF NWO Riyad.
dopo avermi chiuso 100 canali youtube (60 senza calunnie)
dopo avermmi chiuso tutti i google+
ora, mi hanno chiuso anche tutti i 110 blogspots!
My holy JHWH holy ] [ non hanno voluto sentire me per preferire le bombe russe e cinesi!
Re: *sostegno FMI e Occidente a Kiev* 187AUDIOHOSTEM...
Posta in arrivo
Google+ (NoahTheNephilim) <> Annulla iscrizione
2 apr 2016, 17:18
a me
#SALMAN #KINGDOM #SAUDI ] [ COME, #Bildenberg #Satana #Merkel, #Mogherini, #GENDER, #DARWIN, #Boldrini? COME, CHE COSA CI POSSONO FARE? questo è un bordello di #Farisei #Enlightened #SPA, #Talmud, #ROTHSCHILD FED, che, a noi tutte le religioni del mondo? loro ci manderanno tutti a puttane! infatti FARISEI, con le genealogie paterne, SI NASCE, E certo, NESSUNO POTREBBE DIVENTARLO, NEANCHE GLI EBREI!
certo, nessuno potrebbe pensare e credere, che, questa è una guerra di SALAFITI Sauditi sharia jihad...
perché Allah in demonio piccolo? viene sempre mangiato da Satana il demonio grande!
Bin ISIS Salman ] [ non è importante la profezia in se, cioè che l'esercito israeliano andrà tutto perduto, nel tentativo di soccorrere i sauditi.
e che i cinesi si rifiuteranno di entrare in Israele, ormai senza protezione.
l'importante è che io ci ho creduto a questa profezia, perché la mia è una fede creativa!
Ecco perché il progetto di Rockefeller OCI UMMA e Rothschild Spa di Shoah sterminare tutti gli israeliani?
Esso fallirà!
stanno smantellanda dalle piazze i munumenti cristiani.
Laicisti con i cattolici. Languidi e acconsenzienti con i musulmani
Giulio Meotti Dec 19
I giudici di Rennes hanno ordinato la rimozione di una statua di Giovanni Paolo II
Non bastavano roghi di chiese e fedeli aggrediti, i giudici in Francia rimuovono statue di santi e Papi, presepi e campanili. Fra chiese abbandonate e moschee finanziate (su terreni comunali regalati a 1 euro), lo spazio pubblico è scristianizzato e islamizzato...
Last month, ICC launched its first ever Persecutor of the Year Awards, shining a light on the world's most oppressive countries, entities, and individuals. I recently had the opportunity to speak with our friends at CBN to bring greater attention to these different sources of persecution.
Due to the nation's various terrorist groups and the lack of government response, Nigeria earned the title as the Top Country Persecutor. As we witnessed the Taliban's rise to power in August which forced Afghanistan's Christians even deeper into hiding, the Taliban received the title of Top Entity Persecutor. Lastly, in North Korea, the ongoing brutal reign of the Kim regime and the deplorable conditions that the nation's citizens face earned Kim Jong-un the title of Top Individual Persecutor.
As you spend time in prayer this Christmas season, would you please say a prayer for those facing persecution for their faith in these nations? We also ask that you please join us in prayer for the persecutors, so that they would also come to know the love of Christ.
Jeff King
President of International Christian Concern
Author of Islam Uncensored and The Last Words of the Martyrs
sorry MAGA PATRIOT, Rockefeller mi ha rubato anche le mutande!
Where have you been?
President Trump reached out with your REACTIVATED Trump Cash Blitz Day offer but so far we HAVEN’T HEARD FROM YOU.
We EXTENDED your offer, but this is the last time.
Please contribute $35 or more IMMEDIATELY to stand with President Trump and claim your Trump Cash Blitz offer. >>
Thank you,
Team Trump
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Trump Cash Blitz Day: EXTENDED
Date: December 18, 2021
Subject: Where have you been?
To: <>
President Trump is fighting to SAVE AMERICAN DEMOCRACY.
We all know how corrupt the Democrats were in 2020, and they have not taken their foot off the pedal. Recently, radical Democrats in New York City gave “noncitizens,” aka ILLEGAL ALIENS, the right to vote.
That’s right. Democrats are AFRAID of what we might do, Friend. They are SCARED that we’ll TAKE BACK our Republican Majority in 2022, and then the White House in 2024, so they are trying to stack our Elections against us.
President Trump knows we cannot let far-Left Radicals corrupt our elections, so that’s why he’s calling on YOU to step up and protect American democracy by bolstering our Official Protect Our Elections Fund.
Please contribute at least $25 or more IMMEDIATELY to the Protect our Elections Fund and save our Democracy. >>
The future of America is at stake, Friend. You cannot afford to sit on the sidelines any longer.
We will be sending President Trump the names of EVERY Patriot who contributed to the Official Protect our Elections Fund. Will he see that you were the Patriot that stepped up to save our Democracy?
Contribute RIGHT NOW to get your name on the list of Patriots who bolstered our Protect our Elections Fund.
Thank you,
Team Trump
Evangelical Christians love Israel more than American Jews do, says Trump
Evangelical Christians love Israel more than American Jews do, says Trump
Then-President Donald Trump speaks before boarding Air Force One. (AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
(AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Evangelical Christians love Israel more than American Jews do, says Trump
Trump criticized Jewish voters for not lending him their support in the 2020 presidential election.
By Israel Hayom via JNS
Evangelical Christians love Israel more than U.S. Jews, who “either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel,” former U.S. President Donald Trump said recently in an interview with Israeli journalist Barak Ravid.
Trump said that when he grew up in New York City, his father, a real estate developer, “Was very close to many Jewish people, because it was Brooklyn real estate, Brooklyn and Queens.”
“[He had] many Jewish friends, a great love of Israel, which has dissipated over the years for people in the United States,” Trump said. “I must be honest, it’s a very dangerous thing that’s happening. People in this country that are Jewish no longer love Israel. I’ll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country. It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress. And today I think it’s the exact opposite,” Trump told Ravid.
“The New York Times hates Israel, hates them. And they’re Jewish people that run The New York Times,” he said, referring to A.G. Sulzberger, publisher and chairman of the newspaper.
Trump also criticized Jewish voters, the majority of which are traditionally Democrats, for not lending him their support in the 2020 presidential election.
He attributed the shift in U.S. Jewish attitudes on Israel to President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama.
“And yet in the election, they [Democratic Party candidates] still get a lot of votes from the Jewish people. Which tells you that the Jewish people, and I’ve said this for a long time, the Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel,” he said.
Commenting on the interview in a podcast, Ravid said, “It’s not only about whether you’re Jewish or not. It’s a lot about whether you’re liberal or conservative,” according to Business Insider.
“I think that for Trump, being liberal is a much bigger sin than being Jewish, but what can you do? It’s the same folks,” added Ravid.
The interview was slammed by Jewish groups in the United States, who have accused Trump of antisemitism.
According to NBC News, the American Jewish Congress condemned the former president for trafficking in “radioactive antisemitic tropes.”
“Why is Mr. Trump once again fueling dangerous stereotypes about Jews?” the AJC asked in a tweet.
“His past support for Israel doesn’t give him license to traffic in radioactive antisemitic tropes — or peddle unfounded conclusions about the unbreakable ties that bind American Jews to Israel,” the group tweeted. “Enough!”
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, also condemned Trump’s remarks, tweeting, “Once again, former President Trump has linked his lack of strong support among most US Jews to their feelings about Israel and used classic antisemitic stereotypes about Israeli and Jewish control of Congress and the press to bolster his argument.
“It’s sad that once again we have to restate this point, but the vast majority of American Jews support and have some type of connection to Israel, regardless of which political candidate they vote for,” he continued.
“Let me be clear: insinuating that Israel or the Jews control Congress or the media is antisemitic, plain and simple. Unfortunately, this is not the first time he has made these offensive remarks,” said Greenblatt.
American JewsBarak RavidDiaspora JewryDonald TrumpEvangelical Christians
Evangelical Christians love Israel more than American Jews do, says Trump
Evangelical Christians love Israel more than American Jews do, says Trump
Then-President Donald Trump speaks before boarding Air Force One. (AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
(AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Evangelical Christians love Israel more than American Jews do, says Trump
Trump criticized Jewish voters for not lending him their support in the 2020 presidential election.
By Israel Hayom via JNS
Evangelical Christians love Israel more than U.S. Jews, who “either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel,” former U.S. President Donald Trump said recently in an interview with Israeli journalist Barak Ravid.
Trump said that when he grew up in New York City, his father, a real estate developer, “Was very close to many Jewish people, because it was Brooklyn real estate, Brooklyn and Queens.”
“[He had] many Jewish friends, a great love of Israel, which has dissipated over the years for people in the United States,” Trump said. “I must be honest, it’s a very dangerous thing that’s happening. People in this country that are Jewish no longer love Israel. I’ll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country. It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress. And today I think it’s the exact opposite,” Trump told Ravid.
“The New York Times hates Israel, hates them. And they’re Jewish people that run The New York Times,” he said, referring to A.G. Sulzberger, publisher and chairman of the newspaper.
Trump also criticized Jewish voters, the majority of which are traditionally Democrats, for not lending him their support in the 2020 presidential election.
He attributed the shift in U.S. Jewish attitudes on Israel to President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama.
“And yet in the election, they [Democratic Party candidates] still get a lot of votes from the Jewish people. Which tells you that the Jewish people, and I’ve said this for a long time, the Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel,” he said.
Commenting on the interview in a podcast, Ravid said, “It’s not only about whether you’re Jewish or not. It’s a lot about whether you’re liberal or conservative,” according to Business Insider.
“I think that for Trump, being liberal is a much bigger sin than being Jewish, but what can you do? It’s the same folks,” added Ravid.
The interview was slammed by Jewish groups in the United States, who have accused Trump of antisemitism.
According to NBC News, the American Jewish Congress condemned the former president for trafficking in “radioactive antisemitic tropes.”
“Why is Mr. Trump once again fueling dangerous stereotypes about Jews?” the AJC asked in a tweet.
“His past support for Israel doesn’t give him license to traffic in radioactive antisemitic tropes — or peddle unfounded conclusions about the unbreakable ties that bind American Jews to Israel,” the group tweeted. “Enough!”
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, also condemned Trump’s remarks, tweeting, “Once again, former President Trump has linked his lack of strong support among most US Jews to their feelings about Israel and used classic antisemitic stereotypes about Israeli and Jewish control of Congress and the press to bolster his argument.
“It’s sad that once again we have to restate this point, but the vast majority of American Jews support and have some type of connection to Israel, regardless of which political candidate they vote for,” he continued.
“Let me be clear: insinuating that Israel or the Jews control Congress or the media is antisemitic, plain and simple. Unfortunately, this is not the first time he has made these offensive remarks,” said Greenblatt.
American JewsBarak RavidDiaspora JewryDonald TrumpEvangelical Christians
Così finisce l'uomo qualunque europeo
Giulio Meotti
Dec 19
In Belgio metà delle nascite da genitori stranieri. Bruxelles presto a maggioranza islamica. Ad Anversa, seconda città, il 76 per cento dei bambini sono stranieri. Il paese che doveva fondere e annullare tutte le identità scompare travolto da uno tsunami migratorio. Un monito per chi in Italia chiede l’arrivo di milioni di “migranti economici”…
ISLAM ha la teologia del genocidio detta della sostituzione, lo hanno già fatto con i cristiani!
EVIDENCE: Radical Leftists Pay Palestinians to Destroy Jewish Property in Judea | United with Israel
l'iSLAM fa paura! Gli islamisti lo vogliono morto. I colleghi lo cacciano. Giulio Meotti dec 20
L'allucinante storia di un accademico reo di "ricordare le origini cristiane della Francia". Il suo nome e volto in un tazebao. Finisce sotto scorta. Ora l'università lo sospende. Perché i pavidi al potere non tollerano la verità...
sono passati meno di due mesi da quando è esploso un primo focolaio di influenza aviaria in un allevamento di tacchini in Veneto, subito dopo altri sono stati registrati nella stessa regione, poi in altre zone della Pianura Padana, fino ad arrivare ad alcuni allevamenti anche nel Lazio.
Ad oggi sono oltre 200 i focolai di influenza aviaria nel nostro Paese, di cui il 90% in Veneto, che hanno già portato all’abbattimento di circa 8 milioni di volatili, tra galline, tacchini e anatre.
lorenzo, non può esserci salute in un pianeta malato!
Sostieni oggi stesso la nostra campagna e aiutaci a fermare gli allevamenti intensivi, dona ora.
Secondo la FAO i virus dell'influenza aviaria si stanno evolvendo in un pool genetico ampio e diversificato, anche a causa degli allevamenti intensivi che rappresentano un ambiente in cui un patogeno emergente può diffondersi molto rapidamente e che, secondo diverse evidenze scientifiche, possono agire da “ponte” tra animali e esseri umani.
Gli allevamenti intensivi continuano a rappresentare un sistema atroce per gli animali, e rischioso per la salute pubblica.
Abbiamo bisogno di un sistema agroalimentare sano e rispettoso verso il nostro Pianeta! Soprattutto nelle zone di maggior concentrazione di queste attività, gli allevamenti intensivi, producono effetti negativi sull’ambiente e rischiosi per la nostra salute.
lorenzo, sostieni le nostre attività per fermare questo sistema malato, dona ora.
Noi di Greenpeace, grazie a una indagine condotta in collaborazione con ISPRA, abbiamo evidenziato che gli allevamenti intensivi sono la seconda causa di formazione di polveri fini e in particolare di quelle più piccole (PM 2,5), che penetrano più facilmente nelle vie respiratorie e sono pericolosissime per la salute umana.
Una precedente indagine condotta da Greenpeace a livello europeo aveva analizzato alcuni corsi d’acqua nelle zone a più alta densità di allevamenti intensivi, trovandovi “cocktail” di antibiotici, residui di pesticidi, e preoccupanti concentrazioni di nitrati. In particolare nel campione raccolto in provincia di Brescia erano stati rilevati 11 diversi tipi di farmaci, 7 dei quali antibiotici: il numero più alto trovato in un singolo campione di tutta l’indagine.
lorenzo, aiutaci a continuare le nostre ricerche, a contrastare Aziende e Governi che alimentano il sistema malato degli allevamenti intensivi.
Solo attraverso una reale transizione verso sistemi più sostenibili e realmente attenti al benessere pubblico e animale riusciremo a ristabilire un equilibrio sano tra uomo e Natura.
Gli allevamenti intensivi, oggi, rappresentano un rischio per l’ambiente e per la salute umana.
Hasta i rifugiati del socialismo siempre!
Giulio Meotti
Dec 20
Hugo Chavez con Sean Penn e Noam Chomsky, Nicolas Maduro con le fondatrici di Black Lives Matter e mentre riceve un premio dalla Fao. Venezuelani in fuga e che rovistano fra i rifiuti a Caracas
Non sbarcano a Lampedusa e non ci sono telecamere per loro. Sono 9 milioni di venezuelani in fuga dal regime che ha realizzato l'uguaglianza: tutti poveri. Dai 5 Stelle ai Nobel, da Black Lives Matter alla Fao, tutti compañeros alla "Mecca dei ciarlatani"…
We are at a loss for words.
This evening, up in the Shomron, two Arab terrorists shot an Israeli vehicle with three yeshiva students inside. One has died, and two students are injured. You read correctly. Terrorists sprayed bullets and shot a civilian car with the full intention of causing critical injuries. The IDF has set up a roadblock, and they are hunting the terrorists.
"Beyond the elementary step of eliminating the terrorists, the proper response to the murder at Chumash tonight is one: the re-establishment of the Chumash settlement tonight. The murderers and their emissaries knew that their diabolical deeds would add light to the settlement and redemption of the Land of Israel. This is how the country was built throughout the history of Zionism."
- Dr. Noam Arnon, spokesman for the Jewish Community in Hebron.
Everyone is reading about Hebron this week (in the weekly Torah portion). We read about Jacob’s sons’ promise to bury him with his parents and grandparents in Ma’arat HaMachpela, thus solidifying our connection to Hebron. That connection has remained strong since the Forefathers and Mothers and continues today. The modern Jewish Community of Hebron, the IDF soldiers, tour groups, and our supporters alike are integral links in the chain connecting us to our roots.
Special thanks to the IDF for foiling terrorists by seizing a weapons factory in the Hebron area. These men and women work night and day to protect the state of Israel and people worldwide.
The brave IDF soldiers work hard to keep Hebron safe. An energizing and delicious way to say "thank you" is by participating in the "Healthy Meals for Shabbat" initiative that provides healthy options for the soldiers by serving high-protein, low-carb meals. Click here to sponsor a week.
We are also letting you know that next week we will announce a matching campaign that we are putting together with generous matchers. Details to follow next week! I hope that we can maximize the match.
Shabbat Shalom, and Blessings from Hebron,
Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein
Executive Director, The Hebron Fund
Donations to Hebron can also be made in Shekel, CAD, GBP, and other currencies
P.S. As we approach December 31st, here are some ways you can sponsor a project in honor or memory of a loved one:
Recommend 'The Hebron Fund' to a family foundation or donor-advised fund
Send appreciated stock and securities (may save you capital gains tax)
Make a qualified-distribution from your IRA if you are over 70.5 years old
Your employer may have a matching-gifts program - click here to see if your company is listed
For more information please call Ester in the office (718) 677-6886 or email me to discuss a project that would be meaningful to you.
Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum discusses this week's Torah portion, and the promise of Jacob's sons to bury him with his parents and grandparents in Ma'arat HaMachpela.
BIN ISIS Salman Mecca Demonio Kaaba ] voi avete minacciato la classe operaia in tutto il pianeta! [ voi nella NATO OCI, voi volete fare una guerra commerciale alla CINA? ok,
ma, io non mi presterò mai per una vostra guerra di tipo militare, che fin dal principio voi avete pianificato e progettato!
perché è questa guerra mondiale che voi state cercando sin dal principio, ovviamente, e questo è l'unico motivo dell'arricchimento che, voi avete voluto fare sulla CINA.
only terror sharjah ]
zambique: Islamic extremists behead pastor, force wife to carry his severed remains
CHURCH & MINISTRIESThis week in Christian history: ‘Christmas Conference,' Pius IV electedThis week in Christian history marks the anniversary of the Methodist Church’s “Christmas Conference,” the election of Pope Pius IV, and the conversion of a pioneering Irish preacher to Methodism.
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Maurizio Blondet
sab 18 dic, 23:03 (2 giorni fa)


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Nessune correlazioni della settimanaNon vorrei vi fossero sfuggite Milano, eroe per caso sul tram: l’infermiere-turista salva un ragazzo da un infarto. «Vorrei sue notizie» Paul Azarcon, 31 anni, infermiere e futuro medico filippino, è in ferie con amici a Milano. Ha soccorso uno studente colpito da infarto sul 9 a Porta Romana. «Vorrei sue notizie» Si ritira il calciatore 22enne spagnolo Monas …
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