universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele2
questa è la azione ebraico massonica talmudica come causa prima! Caro LorenzoJHWH, un'altra settimana è passata. Tempo prezioso per pregare a favore dei cristiani che patiscono la persecuzione. La pandemia ci sta costringendo ad isolarci. Si potrebbe utilizzare questo periodo di raccoglimento per meditare sulla condizione dei cristiani nel mondo e sul ruolo di ognuno di noi nell’andare incontro di chi sopporta afflizioni e vessazioni. Malgrado il fatto che ad agosto – in occasione della “Giornata internazionale di commemorazione delle vittime di atti di violenza basati sulla religione o sul credo” –, il rappresentante per la politica estera dell'Unione europea, Josep Borrell, rendeva “omaggio a chi ha perso la vita e a chi è stato vittima di persecuzioni a causa della religione”.. da allora nulla è cambiato, non in meglio, almeno. Ricordiamo soltanto che la Commissione europea ancora non ha nominato l'Inviato speciale per la libertà religiosa al di fuori dell’Unione Europea, mandato sospeso a luglio, con la scadenza dell'ufficio dell’on. Ján Figel. Al momento tutto è in stand-by. Il fatto è che, e questo non è una novità, l'Europa si sta mostrando molto tiepida nella difesa dei cristiani perseguitati. E sono in numero crescente, gli atti di persecuzione di Stati come Cina, Nigeria, Pakistan e India, paesi così “lontani” da noi.... a maggior ragione devono farci saltare sulla sedia le sofferenze vissute dai cristiani in Paesi meno dichiaratamente persecutori. Perché oramai professare la propria fede richiede coraggio non solo in aree apertamente ostili ai cristiani, come il Pakistan o la Nigeria! Di seguito alcuni esempi * Francia. Decapitata la statua della Madonna a Tarn-et-Garonne, nel sud del Paese. Il vescovo della diocesi ricorda gli atti vandalici nei cimiteri cattolici di Tolosa in un mese oltre 100 profanate. Secolo d'Italia * Francia. Doppio attacco a Nizza e Gedda. Triplice omicidio nella basilica cattolica nizzarda di Notre Dame, in pieno centro sono stati sgozzati al grido di Allah Akbar. Il Sole 24ore * Stati Uniti. Una scuola del Mississippi impedisce di portare la mascherina anticovid con la scritta “Jesus loves me”, ma sostiene le mascherine arcobaleno e quelle “Black lives matter”. La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana * Argentina. Al crescere delle tensioni per lo sgombero delle terre, gli indigeni Mapuche occupano una chiesa, costringendo il parroco ad assistere allo scempio di un crocifisso. Crux * Cile. Riprendono le rivolte, ad un anno dalle manifestazioni che chiedevano migliore Istruzione e Assistenza sanitaria. La protesta, però, degenera profanate e bruciate chiese, anche le più antiche del paese. Avvenire Chiese bruciate e vandalizzate in Cile Quindi, non solo la Cina, non solo la Corea. Queste notizie riportano uno spaccato delle esperienze drammatiche vissute con sofferenza dai cristiani. Ovunque nel mondo. E dove non si è uccisi o torturati o rapiti e costretti a partorire, si è “semplicemente” lasciati a secco di spiritualità. In Germania, in pochi anni sette chiese sono state chiuse e destinate alla vendita, con conseguente trasformazione d’uso o demolizione. Agensir, agenzia di informazione cattolica, accende i riflettori, in particolare, sulla Chiesa dell’Assunzione, che sarà venduta in questi giorni nella città di Gelsenkirchen, segnando così la rinuncia dell’Ordine dei Servi di Maria all'unica sede tedesca. Insieme con altri ordini religiosi, i padri serviti hanno assicurato, per quasi settant’anni, la cura spirituale e assistenziale dell’ospedale Bergmannsheil che attualmente è molto impegnato nella cura dei pazienti Covid-19. La nostra Europa, volendo guardarla nel suo insieme, sta soffrendo anche per la seconda ondata di Covid-19, che la sta colpendo in corpo. E anche nell’anima. Misure sempre più restrittive limitano, di fatto, l'accostamento dei fedeli ai sacramenti. L'hanno denunciato i vescovi francesi e i giuristi cattolici portoghesi, concordi nel ritenere alcuni momenti di celebrazione religiosa, come il Natale, la Pasqua e il giorno dei morti, “le occasioni più preziose e significative della vita familiare, che meritano la massima considerazione”. Allora, continuiamo a pregare per le prove che i cristiani si trovano a dover affrontare nel mondo, in Europa, in Italia. Teniamoci informati, soprattutto quando la realtà è in grave pericolo di strumentalizzazione, perché solo la verità rende liberi. E la verità bisogna cercarla ed imparare a guardarla in faccia. Ti chiedo, dunque, un aiuto per l’Osservatorio, così che possa continuare a sviluppare azioni di sensibilizzazione in questa direzione. Senza di te, sarebbe impossibile. Silvio Dalla Valle Direttore dell’Osservatorio sulla CristianofobiaLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Il Mes è una trappola? La geniale intuizione di Letta “Cambiamogli nome”
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
North Korea, Kim Jong-Un "No cases of Covid in my country" why doesn't he try to give messages of relaxation to me too? Nord Corea, Kim Jong-Un "Nessun caso di Covid nel mio Paese" perché lui non prova a dare dei messaggi di distensione anche a me?Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom6 giorni fa
I tuoi Tweet hanno guadagnato 36.8K visualizzazioni in questo periodo di 28 giorni
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
my thirst for universal justice terrifies petty souls! la mia sete di giustizia universale terrorizza le anime meschine!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom2
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 settimana fa
Bergoglio e Berlusconi puzzano di Nuovo Ordine mondiale demoniaco Merkel Biden a chilometri di distanza
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom2
Varosha, il picnic di Erdogan nella spiaggia proibita di Cipro chi ha detto che Cipro appartiene alla Turchia?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 settimana fa
il passato non va mai messo come la polvere sotto il tappeto.. sempre il passato deve essere coscentizzato!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom5 giorni fa
Scomparsi i taccuini di Darwin da Cambridge. "Li hanno rubati" si c'era scritto che la sua teoria non era coerente
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
i DEM PD sempre più feccia!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom5 giorni fa
Trump Donald ] dopo un mese che me lo ha bloccato senza un motivo, twitter mi ha detto oggi , che mi restituirà il canale dopo l'insediamento di BIDEN
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 settimana fa
😃 io ho sempre avuto il "CIELO dalla mia Parte" quello è il mio Regno e li sono una autorità 🙏
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 settimana fa
my JHWH holy holy holy (for my Kingdom ISRAEL)forse per un dolore intercostale (dovuto alle mie 12 ore al computer) a livello delle valvole cardiache, forse per questo io sto per fare una altra strage in tutto il mondo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 settimana fa
Anche Lagarde demolisce l'idea di Sassoli no alla cancellazione del debito ] è arrivato il momento di cancellare la FED iMF e la BCE, invece
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom4 giorni fa
Scarica l'archivio dei tuoi dati. Il tuo account è stato sospeso e non ti è consentito eseguire questa azione. Scarica l'archivio dei tuoi dati. e come fanno i criminali ad andare avanti se non occultano le prove dei loro delitti?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
BIN SALMAN the Kings from Riyad] i have covid19 from 20 days but I have always been very good
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom2
https://draft.blogger.com/blog/pages/ sono giorni che hanno bloccato questa funzione e lo hanno fatto per fare un dispetto a me
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom2
dubito che potranno fare del male a don Minutella ora che tutte le chiese di satana del NWO sanno che io lo proteggo
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Mi spiegate perché non si parla al grande pubblico di ADENOSINA?? la nuova terapia per il COVID.. una scoperta clamorosa..
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
@italy_exit's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. @italy_exit's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. @italy_exit's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter MediaLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Why do you always follow me, as the possessed person always follows the saints? do you want to be released from your pain? perché mi segui sempre, come l'indemoniato segue sempre i santi? vuoi essere liberato dalla tua pena?Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 settimana fa
my JHWH ] tutti i siti israeliani e twitter mi hanno tagliato le gambe, per poter uccidere TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 giorno fa
Bin SALMAN [ si sanno sbraitare i tuoi mostri.. ma comunque non hanno il coraggio di farsi avanti!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Paolo Mieli brutal against the government "Throw Rothschild's money into nonsense while we risk social riots" (video) Paolo Mieli brutale contro il governo “Butta i soldi di Rothschild in stupidaggini mentre, noi rischiamo rivolte sociali” (video)Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 settimana fa
L'Italia rischia di perdere i fondi dubbi dell'Europa sui piani di Conte tedeschi olandesi e francesi ci hanno dissanguato e questa UE non arriverà viva dietro all'angolo di questa strada
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
#unitedwithisrael ha chiuso tutti i miei canali! closed all my channels!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] all my answring in this page become invisible!!! [ you are my enemy, but, you have shown nothing bad in me, I hope that, i hope HaShem will lead you to greater health. then, on this page my answers become invisible to everyone answering to you, then, my answer to Aristobulus became invisible! all my answring in this page become invisible!!! tu fai il mio nemico, ma, tu non hai dimostrato nulla di cattivo in me, e io spero che , i hope HaShem will lead you to greater health. poi, in questa pagina le mie risposte diventano invisibili a tutti rispondendo a te, poi, la mia risposta ad Aristobulus è diventata invisibile! https://www the8bitsamurai ninja/2020/10/daily-article-links-and-discussion_13.html#comment-5109708294Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 settimana fa
Joe Biden e l'Europa, si riparte dalle macerie del trumpismo ] no, lui riparte soltanto per andare SiNG-SiNG
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 settimana fa
#google ] per il revisionismo storico teologico e scientifico gli uomini delle future generazioni avranno bisogno dei siti!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Se una questione divergente dovesse essere districata per ulteriori indagini, "tavistock" sarebbe una buona scelta. Aggiungi "john coleman" a una ricerca. If one divergent issue were to be extricated for further investigation, "tavistock" would be a good choice. Add "john coleman" to a search.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 settimana fa
santa Geltrude, Santa Ildegarda
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 giorno fa
Dear lorenzojhwh, When I first heard about Jamaa, he had just received his second prison sentence for sharing his faith. This time, it was a 15-year sentence under the pretense of property damage. Jamaa found Jesus while studying abroad in Europe. When he returned to Morocco, he persisted in practicing his beliefs and sharing the Gospel, leading to his first arrest in 1995. The judge charged Jamaa with proselytizing; it’s illegal in Morocco to, in their words, “shake the faith of a Muslim.” He told Jamaa that if he ever saw him again, he would throw the book at him and then had him transferred to a mental hospital to undergo “treatment” for the next year. This cure for Christianity was so harsh that he temporarily lost the use of his arms and legs. Upon his release, Jamaa continued to “shake the faith of Muslims.” In fact, he was relentless in spreading the good news of the Gospel. He didn't care that he was on the government's watch list. He painted Bible verses on his shop for all to see and hosted French language classes, where he spoke openly about his faith. Ten years after his “treatment,” Jamaa burned down two old and unused wooden posts blocking access to his house. The government seized the opportunity to arrest him for "destroying the goods of others." When he arrived at court for the second time, the judge asked him, “Are you crazy? Don’t you remember that I told you I was going to send you to prison for a long time if I ever saw you again?” Jamaa looked at the judge squarely and said, “Your Honor, I have found the answer to life. I cannot keep silent, for everyone is going to hell and must be rescued. Even you, Your Honor, are going to hell – but you too can turn to Jesus.” You can imagine how the judge responded. Jamaa was sentenced to 15 years in prison. I’ve seen this extraordinary obedience many times among the persecuted. They know that prisons are full of spiritually desperate people who are rejected and cut off from society. They recognize that these outcasts represent an assignment from God. The Lord calls us to obedience over and over in the Word. In fact, he says obedience is a marker of the real state of our love for Him “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching” (John 14:23, NIV). Our own understanding of obedience is way too small in the free Church. Rather than making choices based on God’s will, we often make decisions based on what brings us the most comfort, pleasure, or safety. We all have had struggles with obedience; it’s only natural. If you are struggling with something right now, spend time and ask the Lord for help to submit joyfully and to trust His goodness and path. If you are struggling with obedience in your own life right now, I would encourage you to start my free 40-day devotional challenge, available here. Share this message with your friends and join our Gospel-centered challenge today! Be Blessed,Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Salvaguardia del rito bimillenario della Santa Messa della Chiesa di Roma. Rombo blu piccolo«Praedica verbum insta opportune, importune argue, obsecra, increpa, (II Tim. 4, 2) Rombo blu piccoloGlória in excélsis Deo et in terra pax homínibus bonæ voluntátis. Rombo blu piccolo...et ne nos inducas in tentatiònem...Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom4
* My children "said the mother of God incarnate", why did you not listen to our pleas? I am now forced to bow before the will of the Father. * I stand on the snake's head. * My heel will crush it, but not before man and the world have been purified. * I come as Mediatrix of all graces, * your representative to the Father, always and only through my Divine Son. * There will be a LIGHT on earth and everyone will rejoice in fighting the great battle! * will be a miraculous manifestation. * Those who are in the light will be severely tested persecuted, slandered (like lorenzoJHWH UniusREI) and all will walk in the footsteps of my Son (persecuted by the Wahhabis and Satanist Jewish Masons, parasitic shareholders of the multinationals). * Whoever does not walk the path of righteousness, like a true persecuted disciple of Xsto, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. * Every man must fortify his immortal soul. * My Son is alone, tremendously alone, abandoned in his Tabernacle, in his House. * Won't you come to show him your compassion and alleviate his loneliness? * like you Have you no love for your Creator, for the One who sacrificed his earthly life for you? * Have you no love for the One who still sheds His Blood for you? * My children, you who have hope in your heart, learn now what the future will be like after purification it will be glorious, much more than your intelligence can conceive. * The perfect satisfaction of all the pure and holy desires that man can have on earth will be yours in the Kingdom of God. * Do you want to renounce this happiness in exchange for a few very short years that are granted to you on earth and that you waste by running aimlessly in search of the pleasures of your little world and the riches that close your heart to the truth? * Many souls have chosen this path, deluding themselves to suppress the conscience given by God. "Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom6 giorni fa
SATANA ] [ ho minacciato le tue scimmie per 13 anni? lo sanno, non li devo più avvisare!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Dear lorenzoJHWH, Last week, you may have noticed that we launched an urgent campaign to help spread the Gospel around the world. In light of the global pandemic and the lockdowns that followed, there is a sense of despair felt from one nation to the next. People are longing for hope. That’s where the Gospel comes in! We often see this pattern in the aftermath of tragedy. Tragedy strikes. People feel a sense of hopelessness. Their hearts are softened to the Gospel. Yet, it’s only a matter of time before their hearts are hardened once again unless they accept the wonderful gift of the Gospel. As COVID-19 continues to impact the world, we are in the crucial stage between Steps 2 and 3. Our staff on the ground tells us that hearts are being softened to the Good News, but it won’t stay this way for long. So we need to act fast! That’s why we are moving quickly to raise funds to send out church planters, distribute Bibles, and lead other Gospel campaigns on the ground. We only have a few days left until this campaign closes. Will you act now and give generously to touch the hearts of the lost today? Jeff King President, International Christian Concern Author, Islam Uncensored and The Last Words of the Martyrs Host of Into the Deep PodcastLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
BREAKING Chinese Reporters Shocked After Hunter Biden Went to Beijing, Secretly Met with CCP Spy and Asked for Mansion and Women that Hunter Biden engaged in illicit actions in Beijing with the CCP. Reporters in Asia discussed recent attacks on Rudy Giuliani and Hunter Biden’s actions in Beijing.
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Richard Kemp The Killing of a Nuclear Scientist May Save Countless Lives
Stephen Blank and Peter Huessy Tough but Necessary Road Ahead for Arms Control
The Killing of a Nuclear Scientist May Save Countless Lives
by Richard Kemp November 30, 2020 at 5:00 am
Under the slogan "Death to America", Iran has been at war with the US, Israel and their Western allies since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, using proxy groups to kill hundreds of Americans in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and other places; and to launch terror attacks across the Middle East, Europe, the US and Latin America.
Mr Fakhrizadeh was a brigadier general in the IRGC and therefore not only a senior military commander in a country at war with the US and its allies but also a proscribed international terrorist.
Iran will never abandon what it considers its absolute right to become a nuclear-armed state, not under the current regime nor any future regime.... It has lied to the IAEA and the archive even sets out in detail the ways in which it has deceived the inspectors.
Despite claims to the contrary, the JCPOA was never going to prevent a nuclear armed Iran... Its sunset clauses meant that at best the deal might have delayed Tehran's acquisition of nuclear weapons for a few years.... Any return to the JCPOA by a Biden White House, as is being pushed by Mr Brennan and other prospective administration officials, will not see a strengthened deal but more likely an even weaker one.
Mr Brennan and the European supporters of his argument seem to believe that Iran can be contained by appeasement and negotiation rather than military strength and political will. The path advocated by the proponents of appeasement can only lead to infinitely greater bloodshed, violence and suffering than the death of a proscribed terrorist on the streets of Iran.
Iran-appeasers who condemn the targeted killing of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, have exhibited shocking disregard for the death, destruction and suffering likely to be inflicted by the totalitarian Iranian regime utilising Fakhrizadeh's pernicious expertise. Pictured The scene of Fakhrizadeh's assassination on November 27, near Tehran. (Image source Fars/Wikimedia Commons)
With unfailing predictability, EU external affairs spokesman Peter Sano as well as other European Iran-appeasers rushed to condemn the targeted killing on November 27 of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. In doing so they exhibited shocking disregard for the death, destruction and suffering likely to be inflicted by the totalitarian Iranian regime utilising the pernicious expertise of Mr Fakhrizadeh.
From across the Atlantic they were joined by, among others, former CIA Director John O. Brennan, who described the killing as "state-sponsored terrorism" and "a flagrant violation of international law". Yet Mr Brennan was in the White House Situation Room in 2011 when the US launched an operation to kill Usama bin Laden on Pakistani sovereign territory. Presumably he was not whispering into President Barack Obama's ear that SEAL Team Six were violating international law.
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Tough but Necessary Road Ahead for Arms Control
by Stephen Blank and Peter Huessy November 30, 2020 at 4:00 am
Russia's strategy with nuclear weapons, as outlined in official documents and many analyses, leans towards what General John Hyten, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has referred to as "escalate to win."
Moreover, the absence of China as a party to any arms agreements, including New START, gives China a total "free ride" on nuclear issues in that there is no requirement for China to limit any of its nuclear weapons, even if the US could verify such an agreement.
Such calls for one-sided cuts to the US arsenal, particularly during a serious negotiation such as the current one with Moscow, simply undercut America's negotiating leverage.
The fact is that no matter what the US does, both Moscow and Beijing will continue to build nuclear and other high-tech weapons, including space weapons and hypersonic-capable weapons.... If these adversaries cannot compete on the conventional level, they have no choice, given their ambitions, but to go nuclear to assert themselves against the interests and values of the US and its allies, and carry out their aggressive and hegemonic designs.
Moreover, as inherently imperial autocracies, they are driven from within to states of siege, if not war, with the US, as well as imperial probes across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
For these reasons, the Trump Administration has correctly focused on ending China's "free riding" regarding arms control talks and on placing all of Russia's nuclear programs on the table, coupled with far better verification. Many of those opposing such a strategy apparently have forgotten that the first reason a great power such as the US engages in arms control is not altruism. Rather, and as the fathers of deterrence theory understood, arms control is an action that states undertake primarily to advance their own interests and security and that of their allies.
Thus, from a US perspective, perpetuating the status quo would hardly be a satisfactory outcome for Washington and its allies.
Russia's strategy with nuclear weapons, as outlined in official documents and many analyses, leans towards what General John Hyten, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has referred to as "escalate to win." Pictured Russian President Vladimir Putin (center) observes military exercises in Moscow on October 17, 2019. Ballistic and cruise missiles were fired as part of the Grom (Thunder) 2019 strategic exercises. (Photo by Alexei Druzhinin/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images)
The New START Treaty will expire in February 2021. The next administration will therefore have only weeks to decide on how to proceed regarding arms control negotiations with Russia. Although some negotiations with Russia are already taking place, the complexities of the issues make it most unlikely that the current dialogue will lead to a new treaty by February.
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Chiedete ad Israele di costruire il 3° tempio ebraico a Gerusalemme: se ne è capace!!!
CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro, io sto erigendo il Tempio per mio sommo sacerdote ebreo! questo impone la Vostra correttezza, un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni. (la luce contro le tenebre)Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers, bank seigniorage enlightened, Masons, Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission!
(the light against darkness) Ask to Israel to build the 3rd Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, if he is capable!CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred, I'm erecting the temple for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements. Yes, I'm scared for you are mortal!