ostilità dell'ex presidente OBAMA vs Israele

commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi e goyim sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, BURN SATANA ROCKEFELLER ALLAH IN JESUS'S NAME Accuse circa la presunta ostilità dell'ex presidente americano nei confronti di Israele sono riemerse nei recenti commenti dell'ambasciatore uscente di Israele all'ONU e dell'esperto legale Alan Dershowitz.

ostilità dell'ex presidente OBAMA vs Israele

Di Ezra Stone, Uniti con Israele
Danny Danon ha recentemente commentato i momenti salienti e i punti bassi del suo tempo come ambasciatore di Israele alle Nazioni Unite (ONU), un organismo internazionale con una lunga storia di antipatia verso lo stato ebraico.

Secondo un rapporto del JNS di questa settimana, Danon ha identificato il "momento più basso degli ultimi cinque anni" all'ONU come "il momento in cui gli Stati Uniti hanno deciso di abbandonare Israele" al Consiglio di sicurezza durante l'amministrazione Obama.

I commenti di Danon si riferivano a un episodio avvenuto immediatamente prima dell'uscita dell'ex presidente Barack Obama dall'incarico quando gli Stati Uniti si astennero dal parlare contro la risoluzione 2334, che diffonda Israele per il mantenimento delle comunità ebraiche in Giudea e Samaria e anche parti di Gerusalemme, la capitale israeliana.

Gli Stati Uniti avevano precedentemente bloccato simili tentativi di perseguire Israele e il loro rifiuto di farlo in questa occasione è stato identificato come il fattore che ha portato al passaggio della risoluzione. Azioni di rette come questa da parte delle Nazioni Unite svolgono un ruolo importante nella gioco d'aria legale usata dagli attivisti anti-Israele per promuovere il mito che le comunità israeliane in Giudea e Samaria sono "illegali".

JNS ha inoltre riferito che Danon ritiene che l'amministrazione Obama abbia esercitato attivamente pressioni sullo sfondo per spingere la risoluzione 2334, che diffamato Israele per le comunità ebraiche in Giudea e Samaria e anche porzioni di Gerusalemme, capitale di Israele.

I commenti di Danon fanno eco alle recenti dichiarazioni dell'avvocato Alan Dershowitz, esperto di diritto internazionale e professore di Harvard che a giugno ha dichiarato "Il presidente Barack Obama ha commesso un atto personale di vendetta contro il primo ministro israeliano Netanyahu, che disprezzava, quando ha spinto la risoluzione 2334 del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite nel tentativo di legare le mani del nuovo presidente degli Stati Uniti", ha riferito Arutz 7.

Dershowitz fece l'osservazione durante una discussione online sul piano di Israele di estendere la sovranità sulle comunità ebraiche in Giudea e Samaria.

alpcns. •
La storia non sarà gentile con Zero. Sempre più sta venendo fuori ed esposto. Un dilettante terribile, pericoloso, narcisista con idee completamente deliranti - e i "risultati" da abbinare (il "progressivo moderno" perfetto). Il peggio, tuttavia, fu il suo vile e scrupoloso assalto di Israele era un odiatore primitivo e seminava odio ovunque.

Se Trump non verrà rieletto a novembre, gli Stati Uniti si disintegreranno e Israele sarà immediatamente in pericolo esistenziale. I "progressisti" stanno bene a regnare sulle rovine di ciò che resta degli Stati Uniti, ma uccideranno Israele.

Rock Bottom Obama's 'Abandonment' of Israel 'Lowest Moment' of Israeli Envoy's UN Tenure http://disq.us/t/3qc433l i DEM lgbtq culto Bilderberg regime loro sono autodistruttivi
e chi non è patriota? è un traditore!
ecco perché, i nostri padroni gli azionisti della FED IMF ECB OCI Riyad hanno deciso di far collassare l'Occidente,
è per far precipitare nel baratro tutto il genere umano...
... è chiaro la agenda del NWO è quella di trasformare tutto il genere umano in un solo branco di schiavi

evangeline golding •
Of course he did! It doesn’t take an expert to tell us that.

alpcns . • 17 minutes ago
History will not be kind to Zero. More and more is coming out and exposed. A terrible, dangerous, narcissistic amateur with completely delusional ideas - and the "results" to match (the perfect "modern progressive"). The worst however was his vile and treasonous backstabbing of Israel - he was a primitive hater, and seeded hate everywhere.

If Trump is not re-elected in November, the USA will disintegrate - and Israel will be in immediate, existential danger. The "progressives" are fine to reign over the ruins of what remains of the USA, but they will kill Israel.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah alpcns .
i DEM lgbtq culto Bilderberg regime loro sono autodistruttivi
e chi non è patriota? è un traditore!
ecco perché, i nostri padroni gli azionisti della FED IMF ECB OCI Riyad hanno deciso di far collassare l'Occidente,
è per far precipitare nel baratro tutto il genere umano...
... è chiaro la agenda del NWO è quella di trasformare tutto il genere umano in un solo branco di schiavi

Efram Paul •
Our jihadist-in-chief, may he suffer a protracted agonizing death, is the most evil man ever to occupy the White House. His hatred, bigotry, exaltation of terrorists, supporting them in word and deed, including hundreds of billions of dollars to the US's greatest enemy on earth, some of it in cash and gold, his fascist ways, covered up by the Islamo-Nazis of the lame-stream press, will never be equaled. And the damage he caused is obvious in the rise of the Nazi rat squad, which has just welcomed a new member, and the current terrorist revolution being caused by his worshipers.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah •
My mother died as a daughter of God. I don't have her report because we didn't make them. My mother went to heaven because she loved Jesus Xrist with all her heart. You Catholics pray for the dead. Can you explain what they are for? When you die you can't do anything anymore, you have to decide when you are alive. If you accept Jesus Xrist, as your Lord and Savior, ask Him to forgive all your sins and love Him with all your heart. He gives you the authority to become a child of God, heir of God and co-heir of Xrist Jesus. If you keep your faithfulness to God, when you die, the holy angels of God come to take your soul, and take you to heaven. While, if you lived in religious pride in life, go with demons to the kingdom of Satan the Sheikh and become a minister of Satan.
God said "I am the God of your father Abraham Isaac and Jacob"
and Jesus commented "God is God of the living not of the dead"
therefore, we Catholics believe in the communion of saints.
also, King David offered a sacrifice for the soldiers who had died:
therefore, we Catholics believe in Purgatory or Sheol or Hades,
and therefore, we believe in suffrage for the souls of purgatory,
while, there is no more hope for those who have gone to Gehenna or hell
and that, unfortunately, about 60% of all those who die

Obama will be a picnic for Israel compared to what awaits Israel if the Democrats win in November, G-d help us.

Steve Sss tnjcon •
Hopefully Trump will win and if not, at least republicans will win in Congress and senate so Biden will not Be able to do whatever the leftist fascist want.

lsatenstein Steve Sss • 5 hours ago
The pro israel group within the DEMS outweigh the anti Israel groups. (Same ratio as the GOPS

arigatoo lsatenstein •
Wrong! Obama destroyed any pro-Israel groups in Dems. Now they have only anti-Israeli groups.

blog2038 lsatenstein •
"The pro israel group within the DEMS outweigh the anti Israel groups" - I am not as convinced as you are anymore.

blog2038 tnjcon •
"Obama will be a picnic for Israel compared to what awaits Israel if the Democrats win in November" - I understand what you are saying, but I do not think Democrats will dare.

Democrats would not dare because it will make US lose Israel to China and to Russia.

Peter •
Obama lied from the get-go and I was surprised that the jews voted for him again for his second term. Obama's true colors came out through and from his first trip to the region, by going to Egypt, promoting the Muslim Brotherhood, and snuffing Israel!!! That is why President Trump has to with in November!!!

evildoctor Peter • 8 hours ago
Why are you surprised? The Jews would vote for Obama again if somehow he ran again with a platform that would mandate American Jews must be deported to extermination camps in the middle of the desert. This is how egregiously stupid my righteous, morally superior co-religionists are. There are many kinds of anti-Semites in the world Muslims, blacks, some on the far right, some Christians, etc., etc., but I reserve a special disgust and loathing for left wing, self hating Jews.

JazzDude1000 evildoctor • 8 hours ago
Sadly, I must agree with you... just like when the NY Times refused to report on the actions of the Nazis during WWII -- a newspaper run by Jews... disgusting!!!

Robert Sugar evildoctor •
I couldn't say it better. They are no better than the German Jews who supported Hitler even though the handwriting was on the wall. I avoid visiting the reform temple where I am a member (by necessity) because the Rabbi constantly maligns Netanyahu and Trump.

Jim Miller Robert Sugar •
I also had to separate myself from my temple due the fact the Lib Rabbi there is an anti-Israeli who support law breakers.

Norm evildoctor •
They believe it means they are protected from any harm.

Michael evildoctor •
Nailed it!!!
Gutless JINO losers.

navigator37 Peter • 5 hours ago
VotedThese Jews brought him to power. They made him President. If it would not be for David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, David Plouffe and millions of New York "progressive" jews Obama never would be a president, at least not 2 times.



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Norm navigator37 • 3 hours ago
all the loser leaders with imploding districts.



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Barry Burton • 9 hours ago
Let's face it; Obama threw just about everybody to the Wolves. The sad part is, today those Wolves are hungry and are causing grief for Israel. However, if you look at America, many of Obama's Wolves are now ready to chew up America. There are many of his followers in States like New York and other Democrat ruled States where things have turned into Socialist/Communist hell holes.
On old Proverb summarized states what you sow you WILL reap. His Democrats sowed Hell for Israel and now Democrat States are turning quickly into little Venezuelas. Poverty, Lies, Coruption, Lawlessness and Trouble.



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Norm Barry Burton • 7 hours ago
They are so blind they don't foresee the tsunami when the Jews leave.



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18_18 • 9 hours ago
Don't just blame Obama. Where were our 30 or so, "Jewish" Congressmen from the Socialist Democrat Party, that cowered before the "Shvartza Chaya"?



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arigatoo 18_18 • 4 hours ago
Why not to blame Obama? This is Obama who made the Democratic party antisemitic, so that the Jewish congressmen were made either to comply or to go. Whatever they do now does not matter.



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szotar • 9 hours ago
Obama was a terrible president for the entire middle east. There only country here that trusted him was iran.



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Jim Miller szotar • 4 hours ago
The usurper is a black African mamba, Bibi knew that and even as the mamba is out of office, he still has his BurroRats lackeys trying to bring Bibi down in Yerushalayim.



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Jeff szotar • 8 hours ago
funny but I thought Obama was president of the US, not the Middle East



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Les H Jeff • 7 hours ago
Fooled a lot of people didn't he?



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Dajjal Jeff • 6 hours ago
The President does not rule the world, but some aspire to. Obama's misgovernment had external diseconomies that cost many thousands of lives and great grief.



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Olga Epshteyn • 8 hours ago
Absolutely true. If democrats will benefit, America is waiting for the worst period in its history. And God knows how much it will last this time they will not leave the power voluntarily. I am afraid that American Jews, saving their skin, will come to Israel and bring their reformism and their left madness with them. God forbid!



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Norm Olga Epshteyn • 7 hours ago
50,000 leaving France as we speak. They are ahead of the game & already at the next faze of implosion.



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Raymond Chioma Achinonu • 9 hours ago
Obviously Obama hates Israel, some times he show it directly and some times he was indirectly. But ,what pains me much is the call by Benjamin Natanyahu, to Obama concerning Iran, But he pretends as if he is listening but of a truth there is some secret love that is aiming against Israel. And we knew that Open rebukes is better than secret love.



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Neil • 7 hours ago
Commiebama is a satanic mooslime that wants to see Israel destroyed and he has teamed up with one perhaps both of the antichrist and satans army the democrats to bring that to reality!



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Syllogist • 8 hours ago
If Obama could have gotten away with letting Bin Ladin live, he would have, as they were comrades-in-arms.



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Dan Carlisle Syllogist • 7 hours ago
I think old bin straghed to far from the boss and need to fade fast.


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Chris Trinity • 8 hours ago
Obama!...his name says it all!...don't have to go far.
Another name that is self evident is Farrakhan (or Omar or Tlaib...)
What is disturbing is that America in the space of a years moved from "The land of the free"- to the land of a nightmare in the making.The democrats will make sure that will happen if they win!.



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Jeff Chris Trinity • 8 hours ago
of course you mean T-Dump



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S H Cohen • 6 hours ago
Obama was a naive fool...who believed he knew everything...



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Robert Sugar • 6 hours ago
Any vote for Biden is a vote for Obama's deep state criminals. Liberal Jews can's see the forest from the trees an will likely vote in great number for the co-author of the Iran deal.



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Norm • 7 hours ago
Followed by his buddy in crime Blackface Trudeau.



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S. Segal • 7 hours ago
Had Hillary won, she would have continued with Obama's plan of eliminating Israel. The Iranian nuclear deal would continue with Iran secretly developing the bomb while basking in the sun free of U.S. sanctions. President Trump put Iran on hold but if Bidden - or any other Left-Wing Socialist Democrat, becomes president, Israel will be on its own. Talib and Omar and the rest of the squad have proposed that the $3 billion given annually to Israel for weapon assistance (much purchased in the U.S.) will be eliminated for good. Israel may be destroyed with America following closely behind.



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Norm S. Segal • 7 hours ago
Never destroyed- we have other friends.



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Rob • 5 hours ago
That is why the annexation has to be NOW. TO put the nail in the coffin to Res 2334.



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Norm Rob • 3 hours ago
It's in the works. Diversion, new elite Airforce, special Satellite , Hamas infiltration, bank changes, Arab separation, Iran explosions, no protests etc.

Rob Norm •
and I forgot..If Erdogan gets away with changing Aghia Sofia into a mosque, it is time for Israel to convert Al Aksa into a synagogue and build the 3rd temple on the Har Habayit!

punch_corona •
oboZo bought disaster to the Middle East.. the arab spring.. overthrow of Libya - Qaddafi .. overthrow of Egypt - Mubarak.. the creation fo isis .. the war in syria.. the funding $150 billion + for the nuclear program in Iran.. and big problems in Israel.. apocalyptic disaster everywhere..

Dan Carlisle •
Well he can't win in a legal race BUT they never stopped them before has it. Also expect to see Susan Rice if BHO gets his way. Your right G-d willing that will not happen.

blog2038 •
"‘Obama threw us to the wolves,’ says Israeli UN ambassador as tenure winds down" - yes, many of us saw this happening 6-7 years ago.

442rocketdave •
The Demoncrats are totally insane and Obama set this up so this is his handy work and the Devil is got his signature in everything that is going on! Worthless Scum is all i can say about Omuslimer! His time will come!

lex • 4 hours ago
I just gotta believe Obama is a closet anti-Semite.

navigator37 • 5 hours ago
"international body with a lengthy history of antipathy toward the Jewish state. Unabashed overt HOSTILITY

Richard DiBenedetto •
During the Obama Administration and Administrations before Obama US Policy did not officially support Israel's Settlement building in the West Bank which began unilaterally in 1973. It was Obama not Trump who signed the 10 year Israel Defense Agreement for $38.1 billion taxpayer dollars. While the US Government was shut down because Republicans would not approve Obama's Budget PM Netanyahu publicly stood on stage with Obama requesting funds that he got. That Obama did not give Israel enough stretches credibility.

Steve Sss Richard DiBenedetto •
It was not Obama decision to give Israel the $38 Billion, it was increased as per inflation, Obama had no choice it is the manufactures of weapons in the US that have a very powerful lobby and most if not all the $38 Billion goes to them by selling Israel F-35 and other weapons.
So Obama the anti Israel hypocrite did not have a choice but to approve it.

ostilità dell'ex presidente OBAMA vs Israele

Norm Steve Sss •
and it would be impossible for him to cover up those job losses in defense equipment..

Norm Richard DiBenedetto • 7 hours ago
Whatever he allowed was a fraction of what he gave terrorists.

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Chiedete ad Israele di costruire il 3° tempio ebraico a Gerusalemme: se ne è capace!!!
CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro, io sto erigendo il Tempio per mio sommo sacerdote ebreo! questo impone la Vostra correttezza, un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni. (la luce contro le tenebre)Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers, bank seigniorage enlightened, Masons, Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission!
(the light against darkness) Ask to Israel to build the 3rd Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, if he is capable!CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred, I'm erecting the temple for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements. Yes, I'm scared for you are mortal!

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Trieste non molla: "Via il green pass e scuse ufficiali per gli scontri".
Draghi Soros e LaMorgese hanno brutalizzato dei manifestanti pacifici, scene che soltanto in Turchia si possono vedere!
PORTIAMO I SATANISTI UE a NORIMBERGA! quando parliamo di "signoraggio bancario" e/o di "sovranità monetaria" noi evidenziamo il "bancario/monetario".
e questo è il banale furto della merce. ed invece, il vero delitto di satanismo talmudico kabbalah(controllo delle anime) è quello di sterminio, omicidio e riduzione in schiavitù, che deve essere cercato in sottrazione di: "signoraggio/sovranità" e questo è una infestazione demoniaca soprannaturale.
Infatti senza "signoraggio/sovranità" tu non potrai mai essere padrone del tuo spazio e del tuo tempo!
questa degradazione metafisico-esistenziale lgbtq ideologia Darwin la scimmia DEM? non è una vera responsabilità individuale, questa è la conseguenza del satanismo del talmud e della sua usura mondiale.
Il sole a mezzanotte: chi è Bella Thorne, passata dalla Disney ai film a luci rosse http://a.msn.com/07/it-it/AAPTFNS?ocid=st Ma quando tutti sembravano aver capito chi fosse davvero Bella Thorne, l'attrice ha preso tutti alla sprovvista annunciando di aver diretto un film porno, intitolato Her $ Him.
Per questo film porno Bella Thorne ha vinto anche un premio con Pornhub dedicato al miglior regista esordiente.


Obama moderate terrorists Biden

Obama moderate terrorists Biden
jihad Erdogan sharia ISIS UMMA

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

L'Apocalisse già 2000 anni fa aveva parlato di questo

L'Apocalisse già 2000 anni fa aveva parlato di questo
Già è stato testato su una famiglia americana!

gloria ai carabinieri

gloria ai carabinieri

onore ai carabinieri

onore ai carabinieri