aggression with the knife in Florida

commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi e goyim sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, BURN SATANA ROCKEFELLER ALLAH IN JESUS'S NAME WATCH Eligible Palestinian Women Prefer Terrorists With Lifelong Salary Over College Grads

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia •
UsA aggression with the knife in Florida
and in Italy an Afro-Islamic, without a residence permit, at the station underpass, betrayed with a punch and with all his strength random women unfortunate:
the death penalty and torture are the minimum that can be applied to the Islamic beasts Erdogan sharia

Usa aggressione col coltello in Florida
e in Italia un afro-islamico, senza permesso di soggiorno, al sottopassaggio della stazione, colpiva a tradimento con un pugno e con tutta la sua forza le donne a caso malcapitate:
la pena di morte e la tortura sono il minimo che si può applicare alle bestie islamiche Erdogan sharia

WATCH Eligible Palestinian Women Prefer Terrorists With Lifelong Salary Over College Grads

Palestinian women prefer wounded terrorists with a lifelong government salary over jobless university graduates, PMW reports.

Interviewed by a reporter from official Palestinian Authority (PA) TV, young Palestinian women said they would choose a wounded terrorist over a university graduate for a husband.

According to the PA pay-for-slay policy, a wounded terrorist receives a salary for life. If he dies during an attack, his family receives generous financial support.

A man with a university degree, however, could be unemployed.

Is it no wonder?
Life-Saving ATVs Stop Terrorists Before they Attack Innocent Israelis

Palestinian attackers have terrorized Israelis with stabbings, shootings, bombings and car-rammings throughout Israel, with no end in sight.

Specialized, state-of-the-art, compact, all-terrain ATVs that maneuver in tight spaces are Israel’s “secret weapon,” designed to pursue and capture terrorists BEFORE they attack. Life-saving ATVs are desperately needed to protect communities throughout Israel. Please donate generously!


UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messiaa few seconds ago

UsA aggression with the knife in Florida
and in Italy an Afro-Islamic, without a residence permit, at the station underpass, betrayed with a punch and with all his strength random women unfortunate:
the death penalty and torture are the minimum that can be applied to the Islamic beasts Erdogan sharia

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia4 hours ago

Islamic Arab League OCI UN and #Zarif #IRAN, with urgent dracula bloodthirsty genocide under holy idol Mecca 666 kaaba Allah akbar supernatural theocracy demonic infestation UMMA nazis without reciprocity and without human rights which is a replacement theology Erdogan jihad sharia and then they all said in chorus "we condemn all Netanyahu:" haug "and war desires? leave the White House immediately, because Islam has always been a religion of peace in the sharia cemetery and peace be on Muhammad definitively and, then, by Allah the gift of war we have had it against you and against all and never ever will we leave the jihad war against Christians, Israeli Indians why together with Russians and Chinese Buddhists? they, all impure and apostate kafirists they are too impure!

islamici Lega Araba OCI UN e #Zarif #IRAN, con impellente dracula sete di sangue genocidio Allah akbar teocrazia soprannaturale infestazione UMMA nazi senza reciprocità e senza diritti umani che è una teologia della sostituzione Erdogan jihad sharia e poi hanno detto tutti in coro:" noi condannare tutti Netanyahu "haug" e desideri di guerra? lasci subito la Casa Bianca, perché Islam è sempre stata una religione di pace nel cimitero sharia e la pace sia su Maometto definitivamente e, poi, da Allah il dono della guerra la abbiamo avuta noi contro voi e contro tutti e mai e poi mai noi lasceremo la guerra jihad contro cristiani, indiani israeliani perché insieme a russi e cinesi buddisti? loro , tutti impuri e apostati blasferi kafiri loro sono troppo impuri!

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia4 hours ago

Islamic Arab League OCI UN and #Zarif #IRAN, with urgent dracula bloodthirsty genocide Allah akbar supernatural theocracy infestation UMMA nazis without reciprocity and without human rights which is a replacement theology Erdogan jihad sharia and then they all said in chorus "we condemn all Netanyahu haug and desires for war? leave the White House at once, because Islam is a religion of peace cemetery be on Muhammad definitively and, then, from Allah the war we have had against you and we will never leave us against Christians and Israelis because together with Russians and Chinese Indians, all impure and apostate kafirists they are too impure!

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia4 hours ago

Migrants France in agreement with Conte DRACULA BIS; Soros Bilderberg:
all African-Islamic cannibals HiV, meningitis and Nigerian mafia? all in Italy, then, all graduates? all in France and Germany!

Migranti Francia d'accordo con Conte DRACULA BIS; Soros Bilderberg:
tutti gli afro-islamici cannibali HiV, meningite e mafia nigeriana? tutti in Italia, poi, tutti i laureati? tutti in Francia e Germania!

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia4 hours ago

Xi-Jinping fucckYou! why do you think Christians are criminals who cannot be good communists? now prepare your idiotic helmet WW3nuclear i am not are more your fried, then also israeli people are criminal for you!
BERLIN, 11 SEPTEMBER - The German ambassador to Beijing, Clemens von Goetze, was summoned to the Chinese foreign ministry in protest at a meeting held in Berlin yesterday by the head of German diplomacy, Heiko Maas, with the leader of the movement in Hong Kong Kong, Joshua Wong. The Chinese ambassador to Berlin, Wu Ken, told a news conference in the German capital. This is reported by the website of the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia4 hours ago

why does Donald TRUMP (rabbit traitor) pretend not to know that the secret services are behind the Taliban Pakistani and Saudi Turks to coordinate them? of course, the whole jihadist galaxy is coordinated by them!
WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 11 - Speaking at the Pentagon to remember the victims of September 11, Donald Trump justified the cancellation of peace talks with the Taliban after the attacks that "wanted to show their strength". "Instead they showed their weakness, and in the last 4 days we hit the enemy like never before," he said, promising a harsh response and unprecedented to anyone who will attack the US bla bla bla bla TRUMP rabbit traitor.

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia4 hours ago

#187AudioHostem 666 #AudioHosten187 ] there is a great injustice between us!
I cannot enter your "satanic domain ENTITY and Mohammedan's FED Riad" NWO OCI NATO EU USA Shariah petrodollari jihad ", but you can always enter my DOMAIN" the Kingdom of ISRAEL "and save both soul and body!
or, as Allah the OWL Ja-Bull-ON wants, you will soon burn with both body and soul along with all the Rothschild Masons!
unfortunately rothschild has not abandoned its agenda to kill all Israelis in fact the US EU UN geopolitics Riyad OCI? not be changed!
but i said you why you have starting to loving Donald TRUMP, but now Bush your owned 666 master CIA shadow government worldwide, now he hate him

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia4 hours ago

The Scottish Masonic Tribunal judges the suspension of parliament by Prime Minister Boris Johnson as "illegal". Rothschild Murdoch Rochefeller Morgan FED FMI 666 NWO writes it to its BBC Masons.
because now for Von URSULA Hitler Bilderberg Soros all the people have become illegal!
indeed for the technocrats high constitutional treason the bank seigniorage?
elections and referendums are a waste of time

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

great IMAM and protector of central mosques ISIS Bin SALMAN wahhabis sudairio takfirio from Riyadh] our devil Allah Mecca is rightly right 666 Kaaaba from OWL to Bohemian grove cremation of cure (let the peace CIA sharia jihad be on them and also on of us) but, [so IMPURI are all these Kafiri Dhimmis MURTIDI of Russians and Chinese, that I can't stand them anymore, NOT one more minute, I can't stand them anymore!

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
dear youtube dregs 666 Rothschild's scrum [(aka lgbt Sodoma Dracula the satanists address)]

AUDIOHOSTEM187 (1 day ago)
Hello My Friend ... youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion
the fact that I before I made you mad and then, I had you fired your general manager alias Synnek1, today AUDIOHOSTEM187 (the satanist failed)
this is not a good reason for you to do dismiss/fired me too:
1. www youtube com/watch?v=-4GM4RwMbUM
2. /www youtube com/watch?v=STBOxOI_bjw

in fact, 10 years I have been denouncing these two videos of insults unnecessarily that I do so much harm to my reputation in front of my superiors, to my 400 students and their parents

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

Eligible Palestinian Women Prefer Terrorists With Lifelong Salary Over College Grads .. ANSWER ..
and this is true also Allah wrote in the CORANO "the crime, the genocide of the jihadist galaxy Erdogan pay well, pay very very well!"
or did Al Capone say it? Al Capone was a notorious gangster who ran an organized crime syndicate in Chicago during the 1920s

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

my LITTLE GIRLS unitedwithisrael & worldIsraelNews] [BAMBINE MIE] Isn't it a nice edifying scene to see your King of Israel to erased you clouse and repeat another accounts? shake your King of ISRAEL in an unworthy so manner?
and what kind of figure do we face in front of the world and the ARAB LEAGUE OCI akbar?
then, they will say:
"Have you seen? It is the Rothschilds who do not want the Kingdom of ISRAEL! We are not guilty if we apply an immense Islamic genocide also against israeli people, because this is what FED FMI NWO BCE expects of us that we do!"

my LITTLE GIRLS unitedwithisrael & worldIsraelNews ] [ BAMBINE MIE ] non è una bella scena edificante quella di vedere chiudere gli account a ripetizione al Vostro Re di Israele? sballottolare in una maniera indegna il vostro Re di ISRAELE?
e che genere di figura facciamo noi davanti al mondo e alla LEGA ARABA?
poi, diranno:
"voi avete visto? sono i Rothschild che non vogliono il Regno di ISRAELE! noi non siamo colpevoli se applichiamo un ennesimo genocidio islamico perché è questo quello che FED FMI NWO BCE si aspetta da noi che noi facciamo!"

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

IRAN Riyad Egypt Jordan Turkey] not all users of this site have understood what you know "I am the KING of ISRAEL"
or rather we should say that the Rothschild pest followers are they who do not want to understand it We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News

justisinus16 hours ago

Expect nothing less from savage barbarians stuck in 7th. century.

Denny Mullins16 hours ago

Female Hypergamy knows no bounds.

Dennis Levya day ago

Reminds me of "The World According to Garp" movie.

Petera day ago

EU, and all that contribute to the PA look where you $$$ goes!!!

Steve Peter19 hours ago

Since the "cultured" and "evolved" Europeans murdered their own Jews via industrialized genocide 70- 80 years ago, they now subcontract such work to the "Palestinians".

John Williamsa day ago

Let me see, if the guy gets blown to hell or shot, she still gets a life time of some kind of life time financial aid and she does not have to sleep with the goat smelling bomb fodder, not a bad deal in her eyes.

c0mm0ncenz John Williamsa day ago

Isn't the religion of peace just, so peaceful and loving? Wow, such ethical and moral standards. They'd rather their children are raised by a murderer. How sick is that? These women are short-sighted. They'd better watch their behavior or they will be the victims of their husbands in an honor killing.

stevenLa day ago

The power of fatal propaganda.
Not different from US "F" media.

garybkatza day ago

Convicted serial killers get marriage proposals from women they've never even met, so I'm not surprised that convicted terrorists are popular. PA TV should dream up a reality show, like "The Bachelor," except it can be called, "The Jihadist." It would be the most watched show in Ramallah!

SAWolf garybkatza day ago

pa tv should have its transmitter blown to pieces by an AGM-88 HARM.

garybkatz SAWolfa day ago

Agree 100%. Hamas TV also.

SAWolf garybkatza day ago


Steve Sssa day ago

The 'Palestinians' are parasites !
They live from the blood spilled of murdered Jews.


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c0mm0ncenz Steve Sssa day ago

There is no way to spin this other than that Muslim society is the lowest sick bunch of individuals ever. Just despicable.

naftali216a day ago

Hahahaha; imagine that; Muslims saying it's all about the Benjamins for them! What irony!!

Uncle Dave naftali216a day ago

I love it!! So true!! I wish I could up-vote you 10 times!! :)

SAWolfa day ago

Gee, what a surprise, NOT. BTW;"Eligible"? Those,Women, look like the South end of a North traveling Camel. Just another incentive to strap on the explosive vest.

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Trieste non molla: "Via il green pass e scuse ufficiali per gli scontri".
Draghi Soros e LaMorgese hanno brutalizzato dei manifestanti pacifici, scene che soltanto in Turchia si possono vedere!
PORTIAMO I SATANISTI UE a NORIMBERGA! quando parliamo di "signoraggio bancario" e/o di "sovranità monetaria" noi evidenziamo il "bancario/monetario".
e questo è il banale furto della merce. ed invece, il vero delitto di satanismo talmudico kabbalah(controllo delle anime) è quello di sterminio, omicidio e riduzione in schiavitù, che deve essere cercato in sottrazione di: "signoraggio/sovranità" e questo è una infestazione demoniaca soprannaturale.
Infatti senza "signoraggio/sovranità" tu non potrai mai essere padrone del tuo spazio e del tuo tempo!
questa degradazione metafisico-esistenziale lgbtq ideologia Darwin la scimmia DEM? non è una vera responsabilità individuale, questa è la conseguenza del satanismo del talmud e della sua usura mondiale.
Il sole a mezzanotte: chi è Bella Thorne, passata dalla Disney ai film a luci rosse Ma quando tutti sembravano aver capito chi fosse davvero Bella Thorne, l'attrice ha preso tutti alla sprovvista annunciando di aver diretto un film porno, intitolato Her $ Him.
Per questo film porno Bella Thorne ha vinto anche un premio con Pornhub dedicato al miglior regista esordiente.


Obama moderate terrorists Biden

Obama moderate terrorists Biden
jihad Erdogan sharia ISIS UMMA

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

L'Apocalisse già 2000 anni fa aveva parlato di questo

L'Apocalisse già 2000 anni fa aveva parlato di questo
Già è stato testato su una famiglia americana!

gloria ai carabinieri

gloria ai carabinieri

onore ai carabinieri

onore ai carabinieri